Riverdale Registration Update

Hi Riverdale,

Hope you’re all enjoying summer, but looking forward to getting back on the ice next seasons! We’d like to give you a few updates before getting to the details of registration below:

Hopefully you’ve all had a chance to read over Jeff’s email about fees for next year. Fees for next season will be $2,000 per team, with $125 added for each fifth/alternate player. If you have any questions, or if cost is a barrier to your continued participation in the sport, please feel free to reach out to the Treasurer.

We hope to see you on Sunday, August 11 at 2 p.m. at Riverdale East Park for our Summer Social. You may also contact Patrick Tackney by email at riverdale@pridecurl.ca for assistance in getting onto a team.

Over the last couple of seasons, your Executive has been working on a Code of Conduct for members and guests, to ensure our league is a safe and inclusive space. The initial draft we shared with the membership in November 2022 underwent several re-writes and much discussion. We’re pleased to announce the Riverdale Code of Conduct was added to our By-Laws on 4 July 2024, as By-Law G. 

Members will be required to agree to abide by the Code as part of the Waiver and Contact Information Form when registering. Please let us know by email if you have any concerns, as the Code will be reviewed annually by the Executive.

Lastly, you still have time to complete our pre-season survey. We kept it short, just 5 questions.

Now for the registration details:

Registration will be open to teams and individuals on Monday, August 12 at 6 p.m. We will begin filling the league on Tuesday, August 20 at 6 p.m., using the same priority system as last year. If there is still space available in the league after this, teams of four players will continue to be added once at least three players have completed their waivers, until the league is full. Teams will then have until the end of September 15 to pay their fees, after which their spots in the league will go to the next team on the waitlist.

One small change from our previous email is that the link for registration will be hosted on the registration page of our website. Please visit this page after 6 p.m. on Monday, August 12 for access to the Waiver and Contact Information form. We’ll also post a reminder in the facebook group, but won’t be sending any additional reminder emails about registration.

Teams will be prioritized for acceptance into the league based on the number of returning members, then the timestamp of the third player’s waiver received from your team. That is, once at least three members of your team have completed their Waiver and Contact Information Form, your team will be prioritized for acceptance into the league. Make a plan to ensure your team submits their waivers before 6 p.m. on August 20th for priority registration!

Teams will be contacted after that time to advise of their status in the league for next season.

Mark Field



Monday, August 12 at 6 p.m., registration opens here

Tuesday, August 20 at 6 p.m., priority registration for returning members ends

September 15 end of day, deadline for teams to pay their fees