Three Riverdale Updates


Hello Riverdale curlers,

I wrote to all 2015-16 members (that I hadĀ email addresses for) to update you on three league developments in the last couple of months. Ā If you didn’t receive that message, the email address we have for you is incorrect or missing — or perhaps check your junk mail folder. Ā Here are the updates:

Executive membership


Many of you may know that Joey Taylor has moved back to Ottawa for a work opportunity (among other reasons), and as a result, he resigned his position as vice president.Ā  As per Article 4, Section E of our constitution, the executive committee chose to fill the vice president position with the appointment of Darren Sutherland, who was our treasurer.Ā  And to fill the role of treasurer, the executive committee asked John Rooney if he was interested in taking on that role.Ā  You may recall that John stood for election at our recent AGM and final banquet in April.Ā  Iā€™m pleased to tell you that John has accepted the offer and is now a member of your executive team.


Rock The Royals campaign


As you probably know, our curling club launched a fundraising campaign in mid-April to replace all of the 96 rocks that we play with each week on sheets A through F.Ā  After a careful review of our finances and expected revenue/expenses for the 2016-17 curling season, the executive committee approved a sponsorship of twelve rocks ā€“ one for each colour on all six sheets.Ā  This sponsorship demonstrates our leagueā€™s support for the curling club, and the club has been very grateful for that support in return.Ā  Of course, this means that your curling team (and all curling teams in the club) will always be playing with a lucky Riverdale rock in the futureā€¦


Pre-registration for 2016-17


You executive committee has been busy since the end of the 2015-16 season in April.Ā  Weā€™ve already met twice, and we are preparing to open pre-registration for the 2016-17 season shortly.Ā  Look for more information on this in the next few days!



In conclusion, I hope everyone is enjoying the warm-weather break from curling (unless you participated in the East York summer spiel).Ā  And despite the horrific events in Orlando early Sunday morning, I encourage you to stay positive, love and respect each other, and celebrate Pride this year proudly and without fear.


See you on the ice in October!



Murray Leaning


Riverdale Curling League