Riverdale Registration opens August 12

Hello Riverdalers!

While we hope everyone is enjoying summer, we invite you to start thinking about next season. 

We have a few questions for the membership to help inform how the Executive will run next season. Please take a few minutes to fill out our short survey.

For those of you who are looking for a new team or teammates, we encourage you to attend our Summer Social on Sunday, August 11 at 2 p.m. at Riverdale East Park https://fb.me/e/xwqywBFvh. Our Executive Team will be happy to introduce you to prospective teammates. You may also contact Patrick Tackney by email at riverdale@pridecurl.ca for assistance in getting onto a team.

Registration will be open to teams and individuals on Monday, August 12 at 6 p.m. We will begin filling the league on Tuesday, August 20 at 6 p.m., using the same priority system as last year. If there is still space available in the league after this, teams will continue to be added once three players have completed their waivers.

The process will be similar to last year. The league will send everyone a link to the Riverdale Waiver and Contact Information Form. This should be forwarded by Skips to any new or existing team members for them to register if they aren’t already on our mailing list. 

Teams will be prioritized for acceptance into the league based on the number of returning members, then the timestamp of the third playerโ€™s waiver received from your team. That is, once three of your teammates have completed their Waiver and Contact Information Form, your team will be prioritized for acceptance into the league. Make a plan to ensure your team submits their waivers as soon as possible!

Fees for the 2024-2025 season are still being finalized by the Executive. Royals has informed us that ice rental fees, which make up the bulk of the Riverdale membership fee, are going to increase this season, and for the foreseeable future. In order to provide complete transparency, an email detailing the breakdown of Riverdale fees and how we calculate them will be sent separately in the next few weeks.

Hope to see you on August 11th!

Mark Field

President, Riverdale Curling League