Hi Riverdale,
I hope your first four weeks of the season have been as enjoyable as mine: seeing everyone, and throwing rocks, really is a highlight of my week! I will be MIA until mid-January, but please continue to look for updates from the Executive on facebook, on the website, and in your email inboxes. Happy Holidays to everyone, and, please, plan accordingly if you are enjoying some drinks this “Boozy Sunday” before the break.
Glen Barbeau
on behalf of the Riverdale Curling League Executive
Congratulations VINCE!
A league wide, ‘Congratulations!’ is in order for our own Vincent Chan, who was recently crowned the Great Canadian Baking Challenge Season 5 winner! He’s a lovely human, and an amazing baker. I’ve Included my screen capture of his victorious moment, but there is further info at cbc.ca, or follow him @vincent_chan_bakes on Insta.
Anecdotally, Vince is now my septuagenarian mother’s IDOL, and her Canadian Celebrity #STAN4Life.
Interested in Volunteering with the league, or learning more about an Executive role?
For the 2021-22 Season, the Executive is looking for ways to provide more opportunities for our members to participate in and take on leadership roles within the league. There are many ways our members can volunteer their time and expertise, in both short-term, or long term capacities: volunteering at a specific event, joining a planning committee, leading a workshop, participating in a Mentorship Program, or contributing to our Newsletter. Also, if you are interested in supporting a specific Executive, or learning more about a specific role, this is your opportunity. Please complete this form if you are interested.
Additionally, there is an official process for nominations for the Executive if this is something you may be considering for next season. Please review the information here, (Page 5 of our By-Laws) and consider campaigning!
Do It On The Ice Bonspiel: Thank you for being a friend – a Golden time
- Thursday March 3rd night kickoff at Pegasus
- Curling starts Friday March 4th, with draws starting at 9:30, 11:15, 6:00, and 7:30.
- Three games guaranteed
- Shady Pines Bingo and Rusty Anchor drag show on Saturday March 5th
- Playoffs on Sunday March 6th & banquet at the Courtyard Marriott, reception, dinner starts at 7pm & afterparty at Pegasus
- Registration opens Dec. 14th for teams with two or more out of town players. Registration for all other teams is to be determined, due to winter COVID restrictions.
- For more information and to register, please visit https://toronto.gaycurl.ca/riverdale-do-it-on-the-ice/
- Entry $560 per team (4 players) additional 5th player is $140
- All players/volunteers must show proof of double vaccination to participate in the bonspiel
January 8th Strategy and Skills Clinic
In conjunction with nationals playdowns, we plan to run a clinic focusing more on strategy and understanding the game. This will most likely take the form of watching the nationals playdown teams and discussing their strategy, with experienced curlers watching to provide commentary and answer questions. There may be an opportunity to hone some specific skills on the ice as well. If you have any suggestions as to what you would like to see, please help us develop a program that fits your needs. To register, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/1ptAjAto99R7Kwkr8
An Update from the RCCC Newsletter
“We want to thank everyone who has been diligent about masking in the club, and also remind a few others that masks are expected to be worn at all times when you are not on the ice. Exceptions include ONLY when seated or standing at a table in a single location. If you are moving around at all in the club you are required to be fully masked. If you are not abiding by these masking rules, you should expect to be asked by a staff or board member to comply. If there is a persistent problem on this front, a member may lose lounge privileges. Let’s all do our best to maintain safety.
Further on the COVID-19 protocols and rules front, we must remind all members that unvaccinated guests are NOT PERMITTED to enter and visit the club. This includes children under 12 who are only now just becoming eligible for vaccination. We also request that all vaccinated guests proceed to the bar immediately upon their arrival to sign-in and share their vaccination status with a staff member. NO VACCINE, NO ENTRY. With the emergence of the omicron variant, and its arrival in Ontario, we must continue to be diligent and regimented in following all COVID-19 protocol guidelines and best practices to ensure that we are doing all we can to keep Royals and all our members and guests as safe as possible.”
Check out the recent RCCC feature “Get to know our team” featuring Emily!
Curling Canada Promotion
Riverdale curlers were a part of a recent photo shoot with Curling Canada! Thank you to all our members who proudly represented our inclusive and dynamic league.