Lawn Bowling Summer Social!

Riverdale and Rotators Members!

Riverdale Curling League is partnering with the Toronto Rainbowlers, for a Lawn Bowling Summer Social on August 22nd, starting at 1pm.

The afternoon will include an optional orientation workshop for virgin lawnbowlers, a fun game with mixed ability teams, and, of course, a theme: Summer Olympic Opulence! So come dressed in your most athletic and/or patriotic and/or sexiest Olympic wear. (But no cleats or heels, please πŸ˜‰ 

There will be silly prizes, bevvies, and snacks, and a chance to mingle afterwards at a local bar (walkable from Cosburn Park Lawn Bowling Club).

The registration link is Please complete one registration per participant. There will be a nominal fee of $10 (cash) per person to cover expenses, payable on the day of.Β 

See you on the bowling green!

Glen Barbeau and Kyle Knoeck

Riverdale Curling Club & Toronto Rainbowlers