Intermediate Skills Clinic a hit!

Riverdale & Rotators’ first annual intermediate skills clinic was a huge hit – over 50 curlers ready to get their form torn down and built back up again, plus have some lunch!

The excellent coaches (from left) Holly, Danielle, Brian and Matt – cuties and bundles of sunshine too! – took us through explanations and demos of balanced delivery, stance, line, grip, sweeping, plus talked strategy and tactics. (Photo credit: Gerry Lewis)

Wes Delve who has curled for years told me “I’ve been sweeping left-handed this whole time!”

In the last segment of the clinic, the coaches gave us some game situations to play strategically, such as “your team is down by 3 going into the 7th end.” As I set my broom down for my lead’s opening rock, I heard Holly behind me say “NOPE.” We chatted quickly and I realized I was picking a  bad shot, strategy-wise!

After such a productive day, we’re sure to see high interest in this clinic next year too. Watch here and in the newsletter for signup next year!

Trivia Note: do you recognize anyone in this Start Curling commercial?