On Sunday, February 16th, the Riverdale and Rotators Curling Leagues are bringing back the Family Day Funspiel! Based upon the responses to our Members Survey, we will be holding a two game points-based Funspiel, with mixed teams, pizza, prizes, friends, family and fun.
The cost is $25 per player, and we need 48 players to use all six sheets, for two games. The structure is listed below.
10:30 – 11:00 | Registration and team introductions |
11:00 – 1:00 | Game #1 (see points setup below) |
1:00 – 2:00 | Food and Merriment |
2:00 – 4:00 | Game # 2 (see points setup below) |
4:00 – 5:00 | Prizes and Awards |
Please complete the registration survey, you will be asked if you are interested to attend, and if you would like to join the Super Fun Family Day Funspiel Committee, which will be incredibly fun.
Non-members are also welcome, and need to complete the survey as well to register (so please forward this email to them).
REGISTRATION SURVEY: https://forms.gle/iWAyi8W45PpvSTwU9
See you on the ice,
Glen Barbeau
Member Relations Executive
Riverdale Curling League
Funspiel Points and Structure
- Players will register as individuals and be assigned to a team a few days before the Funspiel.
- The Funspiel will be a two-game, points spiel format:
- Games Won = 5 points, Tie = 3 points, Loss = 1 point
- Ends Taken = 1 point (blank ends = 1⁄2 point per team)
- Rocks Scored = 1⁄4 point, to a maximum of 3 points (i.e. 12 counted rocks)
- Each game will be a minimum of 6 ends and a maximum of 8 ends
- The first 6 ends will count towards a team’s aggregate points and must be played
- The 7th and 8th ends will only be played if necessary to determine the winner (i.e. no points are awarded for ends or rocks scored in these ends)
- Ties after 8 ends will not be broken
- Teams are strongly encouraged to concede after 6 ends if there is little likelihood that they will win
- No end shall be started after the 1 hour 35 minute mark of the game
- The Funspiel organizers will shorten a game to 6 or 7 ends in the interest of keeping on schedule if a game is running long.
- Opponents and sheet assignments will be decided by random card draw on the day of the Funspiel